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Would it be better to say 'uninhabited', as one person has already stayed there for 45 days, and Nobby Styles (G0VJG) is aiming to better this record at the end of May 23? (talk) 10:09, 25 April 2023 (UTC)[reply]

I imagine that,s to do with the UNCOSS. And it is fairly uninhabitable, AFAICS its so steep sided that beaching and keeping a boat there for food is impossible. One could argue that Antarctica is uninhabitable though not uninhabited. Jabberwoch (talk) 03:08, 26 January 2024 (UTC)[reply]
I agree that I would be better to say 'uninhabited'. While it is true that the islet’s steep sides and lack of resources make it challenging for long-term habitation, the fact that individuals have managed to stay there for extended periods demonstrates that it is not completely uninhabitable. The distinction between 'uninhabitable' and 'uninhabited' is significant, as the former suggests that it is impossible to live there, which is not the case. Therefore, in my opinion, using 'uninhabited' correctly indicates that, although possible, no permanent residents choose to live there. Utter Donkey (talk) 22:27, 18 March 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Especially since it matters. If Rockall is "uninhabitable" it doesn't count towards the UK's continental shelf and territorial waters. If merely "uninhabited", as the SAS person and Greenpeace have been there for an extended period, it might count.
I wouldn't want to live there, this doesn't make it "uninhabitable". Uncriticalsimon (talk) 20:58, 5 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Cam cameron


Reference my military service We raised more than £21,000 for military charities because I served in the army and navy As well as being a veteran soldier, I am also a retired naval officer serving in the RNR for a number of years. citation is here from armed forces network https://www.forces.net/military-life/veterans/veteran-who-hoped-break-record-living-rockall-rescued-coastguard

If it's possible to mention my naval service as well i would greatly appreciate it on behalf of the nanal charities. cam Cameron of Rockall (talk) 22:04, 12 April 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Wikipedia is an encyclopedia, not a social network. David J Johnson (talk) 15:23, 14 April 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks David for your response. I was hoping it was also accurate, never mind-worth a try. Cameron of Rockall (talk) 15:32, 14 April 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Nearest inhabited place?


Hirta isn’t “inhabited” besides military visits, so does it even count? (talk) 18:08, 6 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]

History - More than 20 people?


In the history section it states "Fewer than 20 individuals have ever been confirmed to have landed on Rockall", anywhere that states this seems to pull the info from this article since this first appeared in 2010. The Rockwall Club lists at least 15 people of note who have landed. None of those relate to non-British claims to it. There is also a section for those who want to visit Rockwall. All of this together implies in my opinion more than 20 people have landed on Rockwall. Joywhat (talk) 03:55, 11 March 2025 (UTC)[reply]